ARLS010.ZIP 1,993 07-20-95 07/07/95 - SAREX helps NASA
ARLX024.ZIP 1,612 06-18-95 05/30/95 - SSTV at W1AW
ARLX038.ZIP 1,887 08-13-95 08/08/95 - Dick Cotton, W8DX, SK
ARLX039.ZIP 1,933 08-13-95 08/09/95 - Ham's war anniversary
ARLX040.ZIP 1,476 08-22-95 Hurricane Felix Update
ARLX041.ZIP 1,622 08-22-95 Hurricane Felix 2
ARLX042.ZIP 2,002 08-22-95 TX Ballon Launch Set
ARLX043.ZIP 1,927 08-22-95 Oklahoma HAMs Lauded
ARLX044.ZIP 1,610 08-22-95 Herricane Felix 3
ARLX045.ZIP 1,901 08-22-95 James Brown, W6VH, SK
ARN-0795.ZIP 66,729 07-01-95 AmateurRadio Net(sm) July 1995 InformationPack If you have any users interested inAmateur Radio, SWL, Scanners or Citizen Bandthis is the net for you!! We cover thesetopics and more. QWK & FTS(FIDO)
distributions avail. Currently echoing inNorth America and Europe.
ARRL.ZIP 27,465 06-18-95 ARRL Newsletters.
ARRL0503.ZIP 11,256 05-14-95 ARRL Newsletter Vol 14 No 8 05/03/95
ARRL0614.ZIP 7,593 06-18-95 ARRL Newsletter Vol 14 No 10 06/07/95
ARRL0711.ZIP 10,416 07-20-95 ARRL Newsletter Vol 14 No 12 07/11/95
ARRL0720.ZIP 8,868 07-28-95 ARRL Newsletter Vol 14 No 13 07/20/95
COAX1.ZIP 22,513 07-01-95 Coax Calculator for Windows. This will helpyou determine what type of coax would be bestto use. Very good for comparing side by side.Gives info on RG58, RG8, 1/2 and 3/8 inch
hardline. Covers frequencies from 3.5 to 420Mhz. Every ham must have this on his harddrive!
CWAVE.ZIP 145,031 07-16-95 Use Soundcard to filter/copy CW into text forWindows
DURH0695.ZIP 213,753 06-03-95 ScanText June 1995 Durham Region Scannerinformation packet for the Durham Region,Toronto Metro, York Region, Northumberland,Victoria, Peterborough and Hastings counties,and the northern counties of New York State.
Includes police, fire, ambulance, air,marine, trunked, O.P.P., R.C.M.P.,government, military, railway plus a wholelot more. THE ORIGINAL SCANTEXT. Includes thenew 800 MHz frequencies and the
GCX40A.ZIP 86,711 05-19-95 Great Circle v4.0a. Distance/bearing utilityfor HAM/SWL. Adds 11 Russian cities; WorldTime Zones; and Favorite Station USERFILE.
HDU-ANSI.ZIP 12,460 09-11-95 Beispiel ANSI Bilder zu HIDEUSER
IDX0895.ZIP 2,440 08-22-95 US Islands Awards program Bulletin 08/95
ID_SW572.ZIP 630,457 07-06-95 ID-Logic SW Simulator for windows
INB.ZIP 7,838 05-28-95 Island News Bulletins.
INB014.ZIP 2,798 06-19-95 Island News Bulletin #014 06/03/95
ISWIN2A.ZIP 457,424 07-09-95 SWBC Interval Signals for Windows v2.00 SWBCInterval Signals for Windows turns your PCinto a shortwave radio! Shareware version,containing 19, from a library of over 70interval signals. === ISWIN2A.ZIP is disk one
of three ===
ISWIN2B.ZIP 493,196 07-09-95 SWBC Interval Signals for Windows v2.00 SWBCInterval Signals for Windows turns your PCinto a shortwave radio! Shareware version,containing 19, from a library of over 70interval signals. === ISWIN2B.ZIP is disk two
of three ===
ISWIN2C.ZIP 486,181 07-09-95 SWBC Interval Signals for Windows v2.00 SWBCInterval Signals for Windows turns your PCinto a shortwave radio! Shareware version,containing 19, from a library of over 70interval signals. == ISWIN2C.ZIP is disk
three of three ==
JX-DOC.ZIP 2,809 05-14-95 Jnetcex NOS simple English startup docs
NMORS13E.ZIP 945,876 07-27-95 Morse Code trainer. REG $29. Windows 3.1+.Code via sound card /PC speaker/Codeoscillator/Semaphore window. Code source israndom generator/text file/QSO generator.Select characters + weighting. Set code
speed/timing or let program adjust speed.Farnsworth code/prosigns supported. FCC typetests+QSOs generated. Drill mode, monitorprogress/correct error using voice phonetics.+Much more. QST magazine review
OBS.ZIP 51,278 06-19-95 Amsat Orbital Elements.
OBS132.ZIP 6,418 05-14-95 Amsat Orbital Elements #132 05/12/95
OBS153.ZIP 6,557 06-19-95 Amsat Orbital Elements #153 06/02/95
OBS160.ZIP 6,527 06-19-95 Amsat Orbital Elements #160 06/09/95
OBS195.ZIP 6,313 07-20-95 Amsat Orbital Elements #195 07/14/95
OBS202.ZIP 6,516 07-28-95 Amsat Orbital Elements #202 07/21/95
OBS209.ZIP 6,344 07-29-95 Amsat Orbital Elements #209 07/28/95
OBS216.ZIP 6,527 08-05-95 Amsat Orbital Elements #216 08/04/95
OBS223.ZIP 6,581 08-13-95 Amsat Orbital Elements #223 08/11/95
OBS230.ZIP 6,382 08-22-95 AmSat Orbital Elements #230
PCTRK31.ZIP 665,473 05-01-95 PC-TRACK V 3.1 3D Satellite Tracking <ASP>Track 300 satellites at a time. 3D andmercator projections. VGA graphics. Showfootprints, altitude lines, lines of sight,space & ground points, solar position.
Predict visible passes. Compute solar illum.,doppler shift, phase, position, rangerate.Import data from NORAD, AMSAT. Uses SGP4/SDP4propagation. Capture graphics to PCX files.
RADSIM30.ZIP 371,955 05-01-95 RadioSim v3.0 <ASP> Simulation of a radioelectric link (satellite link, terrestrialradiolink, mobile radio, etc.) in presence ofnoise, linear and non-linear distorsion, andinterferers.
RMOBS022.ZIP 4,850 06-19-95 Radio Meteor Observation Bulletin #022 June1995
RNZI.ZIP 1,446 08-22-95 Radio New Zealand Intl SWBC Sked - 10-01-95through 03-16-96
SCDX2225.ZIP 9,905 06-19-95 Sweden Calling DX #2225 06/06/95
SCDX2230.ZIP 10,596 08-22-95 Sweden Calling DX #2230 08-15-95
SOL202W.ZIP 308,922 05-11-95 SOL Version 2.02W is a Windows utility toallow viewing of the W1AW PropagationForecast Bulletins in graphicsl format.Includes many configurable options to allowyou to view the information in several
different formats. Freeware! Enjoy it!
SPC.ZIP 30,818 06-19-95 Space News.
SPC0529.ZIP 3,798 06-19-95 Space News 05/29/95
SPC0605.ZIP 3,215 06-19-95 Space News 06/05/95
SPC0612.ZIP 4,376 06-19-95 Space News 06/12/95
SPC0710.ZIP 3,647 07-20-95 Space News 07/10/95
SPC0717.ZIP 3,695 07-20-95 Space News 07/17/95
SPC0724.ZIP 4,390 07-28-95 Space News 07/24/95
SPC0731.ZIP 5,044 08-05-95 Space News 07/31/95
SPC0807.ZIP 3,261 08-13-95 Space News 08/07/95
SPC0814.ZIP 4,726 08-22-95 Space News 08-14-95
SPC0821.ZIP 5,304 08-22-95 Space News 08-22-95
SSV4N3.ZIP 61,758 05-16-95 South Scanner Satellite Services Chart volume4 number 3 (dated May 16, 1995) - a COMPLETEchart of the North American televisionsatellites and the audio/video services onthem.
SWIT123U.ZIP 351,743 06-28-95 SWLOGit v1.23 The ONLY program shortwavelisteners will ever need. This program isjust loaded with features.Options:-Exceptional Logger.-Extensive_Search of Database.
SWLIT123.ZIP 650,409 06-28-95 SWLOGit v1.23 The ONLY program shortwavelisteners will ever need. This program isjust loaded with features.Options:-Exceptional Logger.-Extensive_Search of Database.